
Thursday, February 24, 2005

~ When I was in seventh grade the Catholic Church decided to allow females to participate in mass as alter girls. We had weeks of training – conducted by the boys – with no adult supervision – during school hours – alone in the church. Did I mention we were alone? The training took all of a day but it was way funner doing unchurchy things like eating the giant, unblessed communion wafers – a.k.a. the body of Christ and sipping on the red red wine – a.k.a. the blood of Christ. We would also chase the boys around like we were hookers in heat and had we been just a little more sinful I am sure one of us chicks wouldn’t have objected to a good old fashioned finger bangin’ in the confessional. Even though Satan himself has a special place reserved for my childhood friends and me, total irreverence can be jolly fun.

~ Do I need rock n roll, Polly Jean bangs or will layers satisfy my need for something different? Well, a trim looks good on paper but when it comes down to go time I’m not sure if I will have the balls to cut the mane. My hair, a good bra, and plump lips are the top three things that I dig about myself so I am not sure if I am actually ready for a change.

~ For those of you not in the know, the links page on divineimagery.com is done.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Are you able to call it a miracle or the power of prayer or God’s handy work because of your own ignorance, absentmindedness or mistake?

A family member who recently had surgery called sobbing yesterday because her doctor sent her a check for $500 because the insurance company covered the entire procedure. Apparently this was the miraculous doing of the Lord God above - or was it? Is one person’s faith another person’s fuck up? When does god’s will become a matter of circumstance?

I do not understand that blind, undying faith so many Christians seem to have. I mean, if we had that degree of faith in anything OTHER than God, we would be considered delusional lunatics. We think contemptuously of the woman who refuses to leave her deadbeat husband because she loves him despite his pitfalls. We hate the parents who refuse medical treatment for their children because of their naturalistic beliefs and label them abusive. Is it contemptuous is it abuse or is it faith?

I guess I just struggle with the whole, "it’s God’s will" bullshit. WHY has God made needless pain and suffering part of living? Is it to test our sanctity? If so, why does GOD need to constantly reassure himself of our love for him? Why does GOD not trust in us the way he expects us to trust in him? Why isn’t just being a virtuous enough? Why, when it comes to God are we supposed to accept the, "You just got to have faith" answer? The ONLY fucking answer you get whenever you question anything pertaining to the maker of heaven and earth. We are expected to believe in this all-powerful being that we cannot touch and we cannot see. There is no irrefutable proof of his divinity – nothing that man himself has not documented and when in the history of history have we EVER had absolute faith in man?

email me

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The not smoking is, for the most part, going well but then I get punched in the face with things like, being anywhere in the vicinity of a bar, anything having to do with the act of drinking coffee or driving to the store to pick up red colored sugar cookies for the spawn’s venereal day festivities. It makes me crave like a smack junkie on a deserted island and pretty soon you may find me smoking rolled up twigs and grass from my front lawn because actually buying a pack of smokes is giving into the demon.

Then there are the things that make smoking seem like the most unappealing habit in the history of habits. Things like johnny k going 27 rounds with a bronchial infection while coughing up chunks of lung in the process. I hope I can make it stick this time as smoking is no longer the cool thing to do. Maybe I will develop a nice crystal meth habit instead. That seems mighty popular these days.

Scenes from a motorcycle show in a shitty corner of hell known as norcross.

scene 1
scene 2
scene 3
scene 4
scene 5

There is nothing quite like navigating your camera around shitty flo lighting and the glare of day glo choppers all done up OCC style. Cable television has killed the art of a good custom job and I long for the days when substance won over some asshole's interpretation of style.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

~ It’s vindicating to discover that your perception of a person is dead on, even if that perception is disgustingly foul. We justify and explain the unexplainable because we never want to believe that our friends are trash but when you begin to smell the wretched stench of dirty secrets seeping from the bold face lies you’ve been told, you begin to realize that nothing is sacred. Not even a seasoned friendship.

~ There is nothing more glorious than finding beautiful shoes. There is nothing more excruciating when you realize that you cant afford them.

~ A few weeks ago I was driving to work and for a brief moment I had no idea where I was, where I was going or what I was doing. It was rather frightening when I regained awareness. I wonder if such episodes are a premature indication of impending geriatric looniness.

~ Is it possible to feel homesick for a place that you have only seen in pictures? I swear to god that I had a torrid love affair with New York City at some point in history. I miss her madly and speculate if somehow my life was accidentally switched with someone else’s. As much as I love my house, I have never felt as though I belong and wonder when it is I will return home.

~ I am SO looking forward to bbq and blues on Friday.

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